Chris Bradley
Data Management Advisors
Information is at the heart of all organizations, like blood flowing through its arteries and veins. However, all too often Information is not professionally managed with the rigour and discipline that it demands. Nonetheless the implications of poorly managed information can be catastrophic, from legal and other regulatory sanctions ultimately to business collapse.
Professor Joe Peppard (European School of Management, Cranfield) summed it up when he said:
“the very existence of an organisation can be threatened by poor data”.
Not only is Management, Stewardship and Governance of the Data Asset critically important for improved business efficiency, flexibility and competitive advantage, but now in the era of increasing Information based Regulatory and Compliance rules it is essential. Every day we read about Data security and risk concerns, and these together with current and emerging regulations such as the Data Protection Act, BCBS239 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) mean that managing your Data Asset and effective Governance is no longer optional.
How can we manage our data and prepare for these regulations? What does Data Governance really mean, how practically do we make it work, and what are its implications? Does implementing Data Governance require a massive “big bang” exercise or is it possible to build data governance processes incrementally?
This training course will provide the rationale why Information Management is critical and provide practical methods and practices for addressing key Data Asset Management and Data Governance challenges and equip organisations to address the challenges that increased regulatory scrutiny brings. It will also equip students to sit the DAMA Certified Data Governance Professional specialist examination which also contributes to attainment of a full CDMP at Practitioner or Master level.
This 2-day course will provide a solid foundation in the topic of Data Stewardship & Governance by describing its purpose, outcome, the typical organization structures required and the key business drivers for Data Governance. It will highlight the Data Stewardship and Governance implications of various regulatory acts with a focus on GDPR and illustrate how organisations can prepare for compliance.
Additionally, the practical roles responsibilities and activities involved in establishing successful Data Governance together with example Data Governance metrics for measuring progress of a Data Governance initiative will be highlighted. Importantly it will show how Data Asset management and Governance can be implemented in bite sized chunks vs being introduced in a top-down “big bang” manner.
The vital relationship between Data Governance and other core disciplines of Master Data Management, Data Modelling, Metadata Management & Data Quality management will be highlighted.
This course addresses all the core Data Asset management and Governance considerations and introduces the other associated Information Management disciplines. Taught by an industry recognized DAMA DMBoK(2.0) author, CDMP(Fellow) and recipient of the DAMA Lifetime Achievement Award, this course provides a solid foundation for anyone interested in Data Governance.
To give participants a firm grounding in the core Data Stewardship and Governance concepts and illustrate their practical application throughout with real examples of how Data Stewardship and Governance can be applied for different organisation styles ranging from fully centralised to federated. Additionally, this course also prepares students wishing to take the specialist Data Governance examination as part of the Industry professional DAMA CDMP certification. Students will have the opportunity to take the CDMP Data Governance specialist exam at the end of this course to attain DAMA Certified Data Governance Professional designation and a credit towards attainment of a full CDMP at Practitioner or Master level.
This course is intended for personnel involved in Data Stewardship and Governance, Master Data Management and/or Data Quality, initiatives including:
A passion to see information managed as a corporate asset.
Level set understanding & terminology:
Pragmatic Learning
Optioneel: CDMP proef-examen en Examinatie (online)
Deelnemers die het 90 minuten durende (+20 minuten wanneer Engels de tweede taal is) CDMP Data Governance examen willen afleggen, krijgen tegen betaling van de examenkosten toegang tot een proefexamen om te oefenen. Het beste kunt u het online examen binnen twee weken na afloop van de cursus afleggen. U kunt het Examen-vakje aanvinken op ons registratieformulier. Meer informatie over het aanschaffen van het examen op onze Kosten Deelname tabblad bovenaan deze pagina.
Deze workshop sluit naadloos aan op de workshop Data Management Fundamentals, eveneens door Chris Bradley bij Adept Events, waarin het fundament en de 11 disciplines van Data Management wordt behandeld.
De seminars en workshops die als In-house worden aangeboden, vinden gewoon plaats bij u op kantoor. Ruim van tevoren stemmen wij met u af wat de zaalbenodigdheden zijn. Bij organisaties met meerdere vestigingen verspreid over het land komt het ook wel eens voor dat we in overleg met u kiezen voor een accommodatie die centraal gelegen is in het land.
Wilt u deze sessie exclusief binnen uw eigen organisatie aanbieden voor een groep medewerkers? Een zeer aantrekkelijke optie met hoog rendement! Nu ook online of op locatie met deelnemers in de zaal plus online deelnemers.
DMBoK2 en CDMP Workshop Deze workshop voorziet u van de kennis, methoden en technieken die nodig zijn om informatie management oplossingen te analyseren, te ontwikkelen en te implementeren binnen uw organisatie. Bovendien bereidt deze cursus van Chris Bradley u voor op het CDMP Data Management Fundamentals (DMF) examen.
2-4 juni 2025
Balancing Engagement, Agility, and Complexity Deze workshop behandelt datamodelleren vanuit een non-technisch perspectief, en behandelt contextuele, conceptuele en gedetailleerde modelleertechnieken waarbij maximale betrokkenheid van de deelnemers centraal staat. Een intensieve cursus datamodelleren door Alec Sharp volop tips en richtlijnen.
3 t/m 5 november 2025
Business Intelligence, Datawarehousing, Big Data en Datamanagement Website op gebied van BI, datawarehousing, big data, analytics en data science maar ook datamanagement en datamodelleren. BI-Platform is een onmisbare bron van informatie met o.a. blogs door thought leaders, nieuws, (video)interviews, whitepapers, vacatures en agendarubriek en fraaie app.