Alec Sharp
Clariteq Systems Consulting
There is a worldwide resurgence of interest in Business Processes because all value delivered by an organisation – every product or service – is the result of an end-to-end, cross-functional, Business Process. This three-day, highly interactive workshop provides a proven, Agile methodology for Business Process Change, with an emphasis on practical, repeatable techniques and guidelines. It combines the core content from two popular workshops by Alec Sharp – Working With Business Processes and Advanced Business Process Techniques. This structure has been extremely well-received – it quickly gets everyone, whether new or experienced, to the same baseline on Clariteq’s unique, Agile, and ultra-practical approach to Business Process Change. On this platform of shared understanding and techniques, the entire group moves forward into advanced topics, well beyond what is covered in introductory courses.
First, the workshop demonstrates how to effectively communicate Business Process concepts, how to discover a business process, scope it, assess it and establish goals, and how to model it with progressive detail. Then, it shifts to advanced topics – specific, repeatable techniques to develop a process architecture, encourage support for change, and complete a feature-based process design.
The emphasis is always on ensuring Business Process initiatives are aligned with human, social, and political factors, organisational culture, and enterprise mission, strategy, goals, and objectives. Participants will be well-prepared for the challenges of successful Business Process Change. In fact, many organisations apply techniques learned in this workshop to all their organisational change initiatives. Real-life case studies are employed throughout – some participants say the examples of how the techniques are applied in practice is the best part of the workshop.
Business professionals with responsibility for improving their processes and business analysts needing solid techniques will both benefit from this workshop. Specifically, anyone involved in Business Analysis, Business Change, Business Architecture, and Business Process Management (BPM) especially BPM professionals, Process Analysts and Designers, Business and Process Architects, Business Analysts, and Project / Programme Managers. Also, Business Managers and Subject Matter Experts responsible for effecting process change, Organisation Development professionals needing to learn more about business processes, and anyone involved in process-driven solution development.
Practical techniques and clear guidelines will be provided in these areas:
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De seminars en workshops die als In-house worden aangeboden, vinden gewoon plaats bij u op kantoor. Ruim van tevoren stemmen wij met u af wat de zaalbenodigdheden zijn. Bij organisaties met meerdere vestigingen verspreid over het land komt het ook wel eens voor dat we in overleg met u kiezen voor een accommodatie die centraal gelegen is in het land.
“Amazing hands-on course. Alec is never short of an example, which is very helpful.”
“Awesome masterclass to also master facilitating skills.”
“Awesome masterclass to also master facilitating skills.”
Wilt u deze sessie exclusief binnen uw eigen organisatie aanbieden voor een groep medewerkers? Een zeer aantrekkelijke optie met hoog rendement! Nu ook online of op locatie met deelnemers in de zaal plus online deelnemers.
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