Joe Reis, a “recovering data scientist” with 20 years in the data industry, is the co-author of the best-selling O’Reilly book, “Fundamentals of Data Engineering.” He’s also the instructor for the wildly popular Data Engineering Professional Certificate on Coursera, in partnership with and AWS.
Joe’s extensive experience encompasses data engineering, data architecture, machine learning, and more. He regularly keynotes major data conferences globally, advises and invests in innovative data product companies, writes at Practical Data Modeling and his personal blog, and hosts the popular data podcasts “The Monday Morning Data Chat” and “The Joe Reis Show.” In his free time, Joe is dedicated to writing new books and articles, and thinking of ways to advance the data industry.
“Langere sessies leverden de mogelijkheid tot uitdiepen en dialoog. Dat vind ik goed aan deze summit.”
“Inspirerende summit met goede sprekers die de onderwerpen vanuit verschillende hoeken mooi belichten. Organisatie en locatie: prima!!”
“Inspirerend en prima verzorgd congres. Actuele onderwerpen met veel praktische richtlijnen, handvatten en do’s en don’ts over de informatie architectuur zoals Big Data, Data Lakes, datavirtualisatie en een logisch datawarehouse.”
“Een leuk en leerzaam event!”
“As a BI Consultant I feel inspired to recommend this conference to everyone looking for practical tools to implement a long term BI Customer Service.”
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